Home Site vs. SharePoint Start Page vs. Hub Site vs. Root Site

Are you confused about all this terminology we have in SharePoint? Home Site, Hub Site, Root Site… Well, today is your lucky day! Because I have a blog post for you that will explain it all!It is easy to get confused with all these types of sites, but...

Protect your devices and data from malware

Malware is malicious software design to steal, damage, or deny access to your data and devices. Let’s talk about it and some ways to prevent it. Usually malware arrives as a link or attachment in email pretending to be from a known person or company in an effort...

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop

Leer hoe bedrijven de kostenbesparingen en zakelijke voordelen hebben ervaren door Windows Virtual Desktop te gebruiken voor hun Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Dit Forrester Consulting-onderzoek uit 2020 in opdracht van Microsoft en Intel biedt een...

Goedkeuringen in Microsoft Teams

Goedkeuringen (Approvals) in Microsoft Teams is een native Teams-applicatie waarmee u gemakkelijk goedkeuringen kunt maken, beheren en delen vanuit uw hub voor teamwerk. U kunt snel een goedkeuringsstroom starten vanaf dezelfde plek waar u een chat, een kanaalgesprek...

Zip file partial downloads no longer available

The possibility to upload a large zip file to OneDrive or SharePoint Online libraries remains. Previously, however, it was possible to extract and download one or more parts of the zip file via the web interface. However, since the code executed in...