Within the Teams app store, you’ll now find two brand new applications published by Microsoft: Milestones and Bulletins. With the Milestones app, you can seamlessly track projects across your company, and with Bulletins, you can quickly publish news articles to the rest of your company.

thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled 
							Track projects and share news in Teams with two new Power Apps
thumbnail image 2 of blog post titled 
							Track projects and share news in Teams with two new Power Apps

Both are deeply integrated within Teams, but what makes them unique is that they are built with Power Apps on top of the recently released Dataverse for Teams. By shipping them on top of Dataverse for Teams, we’re making it possible for you to fully customize these apps from top to bottom and to leverage them as inspiration to build your own apps!

Lees hier het hele artikel van John Steckroth van het Microsot Teams team